is not affiliated with any of the mental health facilities located near you. is not a mental health, psychiatric and/or substance abuse treatment services organization. For additional treatment options or to speak to a specific treatment center, you can visit SAMHSA at: The Florida Department of Children and Families can provide additional treatment options and can be reached at: provides informational services only.

If you are experiencing severe emotional distress and/or suicidal thoughts, please seek all available help immediately, including contacting the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988 and/or visiting their website at. When you call any number that is not associated with a specific treatment facility listing where a "treatment specialist" is mentioned, or any number that is marked with "i", "Ad", "Sponsored Ad" or "Who answers", you will be calling one of our advertisers. This is a detailed listing page for Helio Health Inc OTP1, a rehab center in Utica, NY All Clients in Opioid Treatment Program.Methadone and buprenorphine clients only.Non-nicotine smoking/tobacco cessation medications.HIV and AIDS education, counseling and support.hepatitis education, counseling and support.Accepts State-financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid.Treatment of alcohol use disorder without medications.outpatient methadone/buprenorphine or naltrexone treatment.