(For detailed tips on estimating a variable's brightness, see "The Lure of Variable Stars." For information and finder charts for Algol and 11 other inconstant stars, see "The Top 12 Naked-Eye Variable Stars.") Below is a calculator you can use to predict when Algol will be at mideclipse. You can compare Algol's brightness with them at a glance click on the star chart to see a larger version with the magnitudes of several comparison stars clearly labeled. Good comparison stars are Gamma (γ) Andromedae to Algol's west, magnitude 2.1, and Epsilon (ε) Persei to its east, magnitude 2.9. Algol stays nearly that faint for two hours centered on the time of mideclipse, and it takes several additional hours to fade and to rebrighten. In the middle of an eclipse it shines dimly at magnitude 3.4 instead of its usual 2.1. Its changes are very plain to the naked eye. Algol fades and rebrightens like clockwork every 2.87 days. You can check on it whenever you step outdoors on nights when Perseus is in view. Sky & Telescope The star Algol (β Persei) was the first eclipsing variable star ever discovered, and it's still the most famous one. Good comparison stars are Gamma Andromedae to Algol's west, magnitude 2.1, and Epsilon Persei to its east, magnitude 2.9. The star Algol (Beta Persei) was the first eclipsing variable star ever discovered. On Sunday evening at 8 pm, tune in to the Sunday Night Astronomy Show via the Facebook page or YouTube channel of Astronomy by the Bay.The star Algol (Beta Persei) was the first eclipsing variable star ever discovered. For most of the week the zodiacal light might be visible in the east from rural areas. Mercury and Venus are too close to the Sun for observing. Mars is stationary on Sunday, beginning its westward retrograde motion relative to the stars. On Wednesday evening telescope users might see the shadows of two moons on Jupiter’s clouds with the shadow of Ganymede entering at 9:22 and that of Europa exiting at 10:00. Saturn is at its highest and best for observing at 8 pm, followed by Jupiter at 10:30. The Moon is at first quarter and near Saturn on Tuesday, and on Friday it slides below Jupiter. Next Saturday the Sun will rise at 8:05 am and set at 5:59 pm, giving 9 hours, 54 minutes of daylight (8:08 am and 6:06 pm in Saint John). Saturday’s sunrise in Moncton is at 7:55 am and sunset will occur at 6:09 pm, giving 10 hours, 14 minutes of daylight (7:59 am and 6:16 pm in Saint John). A line from the bottom right star of the W to the top right and extended the same distance brings us to open cluster M52.

Next, look above Andromeda for the familiar W-shape of Cassiopeia. Look to the left of the line over halfway between Almach and Algol, the second brightest star in Perseus, for the open cluster of stars called M34. The third brightest star of Andromeda is Almach, situated at the end of the string from Mirach. We see M33 face on, which makes it appear dimmer. In the opposite direction from Mirach, and at about the same distance as M31, is fainter M33, the third largest galaxy in our Local Group behind Andromeda and the Milky Way. The second star from Alpheratz along the brighter string is orange Mirach, and moving up two stars across the dimmer string we encounter the large Andromeda Galaxy, M31. The star at the northeast corner of the square is Alpheratz, the brightest star of Andromeda, from which spread two lines of stars. Angling to the left at the eye we come to a star at the horse’s snout, and extending by nearly half that distance is a larger globular cluster, M15.
Extending that line by half its distance is where you will find a small blurry patch called M2, a globular cluster that is the second entry in the Messier list of DSOs.

The southwest corner of the square is the base of the winged horse’s neck, and moving away from the square by a few stars takes us to the horse’s eye. Let us start by using the Square of Pegasus as a guidepost. This Week’s Sky at a Glance, 2022 October 29 – November 5 ~by Curt Nasonĭeep sky objects (DSOs), composed of star clusters and nebulae, are often called faint fuzzies by amateur astronomers but many are bright enough to be seen with binoculars in a dark sky.