Plenty of metal, oil, obsidian, silica pearls and penguins that provide organic polymer to substitute normal polymer. It is typically found in caves and mountains. The snow region is unforgiving but if you can manage to survive there, it has the highest concentration of late game resources on the island. Obsidian in Ark cannot be mined with the stone pickaxe - only a metal pickaxe is strong enough to obtain it. It would be wise to saddle everyone up and guide them through single file or in a two wide column with protection at the front and rear. I recommend taming a few dire bears as they can carry a decent amount and protect themselves or a pack of high level wolves to protect your herd. For this you'll need a few beasts of burden, fur armor and some strong protection. When it comes to The Island, youll definitely want to check the Volcano near. If you're willing to make some preparations, the north western snow region has a large amount of obsidian scattered through the forest along the north and west base of the mountain below the blue obelisk. Obsidian is an uncommon resource in ARK Valguero, but finding it is easy. These are easy to hit if you have a few argentavis. The volcano and the two mountains east of it have obsidian.